Utterly Intertwined
This is the perfect unhindered clarity
Not dependent on whether the mind is clear of confused
Not dependent on the flavors of emotional spectrum
This is natural release
It feasts non preferentially
In uninhibited recognition
In unwavering trust
Not grasping one direction
Not pushing the other
It’s completely free
Unconditionally responsive
A magic display
It’s brilliant, brilliant, brilliant
All the ideas about it are the barrier
All imaginations are allure
All realizations are restriction
Listen! Just relax
Just stop
Utterly ungraspable
It pierces the mind
Its brilliance —
Wild and innocent
Like a crystal clear morning dawn
In amazing immediacy
Samsara and nirvana
Are perfect mirroring
Inseparable, intertwined
Illusion and truth
Are but the play of mind
When they merge, they vanish
This is carefree lucidity
Its secret —
There is no fabrication
Its simplicity implodes the mind
Its effulgence dispels ignorance
Its sharpness cuts through confusion
Its fluidity moves through constraints
This primal dynamic space
It now is me, I now am not it
Its nature —
Empty enrapturement
Endlessly drowning in itself
Nothing is gained, nothing is lost
There is no one in bondage
And no one to be liberated
No one to suffer
And yet suffering transmutes
All is perfectly assimilated
No one benefits and no one is harmed
The relative and the absolute
Are in perfect fusion
This primordial balance
Is the inconceivable implosion
True completion
It moves through, endlessly
Relative to absolute
Absolute to relative
That is the flow of interpenetration
Its essence —
Supreme effortlessness
The relative and the absolute
Are in ecstatic entanglement
There is not even a hair's breadth of distance
In that mortal embrace
They strangle each other to death
In perfect spaciousness
That friction
Is the ecstasy of enlightened mind
Its fierce radiance animates every cell
And echoes to infinity
To know true lightness
Is to know density
To know liberation, is to know solidity
My mind has vanished
I do not know either this or not-this
I know neither bondage nor freedom
These words are empty
I sing this song
This complete immersion
Is all there is