The Great Silence ––
clarity melts into primordial ground
Not only I lost the self, but also You
The absence is profoundly humbling
I am perfectly lost
Timeless unbroken aloneness ––
This has been here all along,
so silently still
The eye that never sleeps awakens
The gaze supremely innocent and wise
Here is the end of all knowing
I've lost even the memory of what it means,
walking the path
Here, all words mystically merge
in the infinite mind of the Dreamer
All their meaning is gone
It weaves the dream from itself ––
every movement is its moving
every breath its breathing
every thought its quivering
the Great Silence texturing itself
Everything it sees is itself
everything it hears is itself
everything it tastes is itself —
an unspoken love
that is all this yet beyond
It knows the dream as Eternity
it knows itself by losing itself