While absorbed in the contemplation of Emptiness, the superb shunyata
I emitted the following words
When I try to locate anything it just
'Breathes' --- non-locatable! --- and yet,
Seamlessly interconnected and co-ordinated
It's like music without music --- the way it 'moves’ --- 'breathes'
Silence beyond silence --- all-consuming, razor-sharp brilliant and softer than soft
It's deadly and deathless this space and super sensual, obviously non human
Also definitely nothing other than human, and again, non-locatable! ---
Empty, no qualities
It's like everything is very close and very far, simultaneously, both and neither
But 'everything' is just itself, spontaneously dazzling and brainlessly marvelous
It's not singular but the movement is singular, in perfect unison
Perfect invisible rhythm, flawless visceral symphony
The lightness makes me dizzy because it's deep beyond deep if I zoom in
I don't feel like I'm walking on the ground any longer, it's quite groundless
This Reality, and the way it moves --- totally weightless, yet there is this
'Weight' of 'knowing' --- non locatable, non graspable ---
And mysteriously co-arising with all other 'knowing' that have walked this path
It's just one interdependent, perfectly co-ordinated causality of
'Knowing', 'moving'
It's not one (like singularity), or many (like plurality) --- it’s like
Everything but when trying to find that ‘everything’ it ‘breathes’
Cannot be found! ---
It’s not Nothing
Captured by my furious attempts to grasp this virtuoso 'ungraspability'
This Play
I wrote the following poem:
Total exertion
No words can capture Her
Majestically shivering, mutating, scintillating
Inter-dependent Glorious Shapeshifting Beast
Ceaseless actionless activity
Its Breath, perfect release
Quenching universes with relentless precision
Organically, rather orgasmically
Perfect extinguishment inseparable from instant birth
Its secret is its ordinariness
Its natural humanness, its alien nature
The refrigerator is humming
A candle flame trembles before me
Sparkling water on my lips
Just This and nothing else
Unbound rigor merging with deep authentic care
Perfect relaxation and detached instinctive ease
Simple and complex beyond imagination
More immediate than immediate
There is no time, no gap, no eternity
As this embodied matrix of our vital force
Stretches, moves, Unravels, quivers
Its multicolored Tail