What this century truly needs is spirituality that is not divorced from humanness and the world's catastrophic condition.
Therefore, I take birth in the form of Wrathful Compassion Which Takes Action.
Which does not look away when injustice happens.
Which does not tolerate abuse.
Which does not make excuses when those in power take advantage from the ones in a vulnerable position.
Which nurtures and protects human and animal fragility torn apart by cosmic forces beyond comprehension.
Which fights for the Earth being raped by malicious powers.
Which honours the Feminine in an engaging manner, serving selflessly her needs.
The feminine participating in this work has to transform the unconscious hatred towards the masculine rape and collaborate with men in this planetary endeavor.
The masculine participating in this work has to learn that vulnerability, rich emotional spectrum and asking for support when needed is a strength and a source of inner power, not weakness. The cultural conditioning that dictates men to be independent, capable and always in a mode of providing alienates them from their emotional body and life energy, thus causing painful inner division.
We can hold space for the inner child in each other, but ultimately it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to nurture our inner child, find safety in our own body, to set appropriate boundaries when necessary, and to take our inner child away from situations that are psychologically harmful and unsafe.
The time of Transcendental Repose is over. The peacefulness that I advocate is of a different flavor: it goes straight to the root of aggression and hatred and transforms it into Nourishment. Like a peacock, it eats the root of samsara and absorbs the poison, transforming it into an ecstatic spectrum of dynamic vivid compassion.
There is a great benefit in exercising Judgement in a manner that protects the Feminine and the Earth. The time of spiritual bypassing is over. Look what is happening. It’s Divine Rage. It’s a massacre. It’s Pure Evil.
However, there is a difference between blind rage and what I like to call wrathful compassion — or the wisdom of mirror-like clarity, if you prefer the traditional term.
The energy is the same. What binds it in ignorance is reactivity. And what binds reactivity is belief.
We believe that the restlessness and discomfort in the body that is pushing and pulling us around, dictating our life choices and impulsive behaviour, which can sometimes make us fight and defend as if our physical life was threatened, is coming from a place that actually exists — that is has inherent (existential) validity.
It does not. Reactivity and restlessness is Empty.
If you inhibit the impulse to react and sit in the pause between stimulus and action, you can’t find anything actual. The sensation is non-locatable, non-graspable, without center, without substance, yet strangely “tremoring”.
What a mystery.
But you have to go one step further.
What fully liberates reactivity is seeing its dependently originated nature.
Inhibiting the habitual energetic movement in the body initiates a specific type of somatic tremor interconnected with every living creature on the planet. When exploring this, it is interesting to notice that the self preservation and procreation instinct is quite different experienced without human faculties. From the human perspective it’s instinctual fear, but from the perspective of non-human animals, it’s instinctual Alertness, pure aliveness.
It’s just happening. It’s just energy. It’s just intensity. It does not refer to anyone or anything. It does not mean anything. There is no belief.
But you have to look very close and see this experientially. As an intellectual understanding, this information is of no use whatsoever.
We humans fight like crazy, believe we have to defend ourselves with blood and tears, that our very existence is threatened if someone has a differing opinion or perspective than ours. It’s kind of insane.
Look very close into the nature of reactivity. Feel and sense into it with naked awareness.
To do this you have to release holding on to a particular position or understanding, holding on to a reality that is “true” or “right” or “safe” as opposed to differing views that are “not-true” or “wrong” or “unsafe”. Let the dividing mind naturally release in natural noninterference.
Animals do not hold a position. They just shake. Learn from them.
We humans are either puppets of Maya, slaves of our animal nature, magically pulled from invisible strings, dancing the great cosmic dance of destruction.
Or we take what is known as the Hero’s Journey and go through a profound inner transformation, entering the underworld of the unconscious Psyche, uniting the lost life energy by fully assimilating the unresolved experiences that are at the root of the reactive behaviour and restlessness in the body.
If you don’t viscerally experience any fixed, locatable or actually existing self you don’t need constant validation. The freedom from the need for validation is what could also be called genuine contentment and authenticity at the human level.
The solution I propose to our shared existential dilemma is rather radical: rewiring the energetic configuration of the Earth’s global electric circuit by rewiring our own nervous system, thus restoring its original purity and capacity of infinite regeneration.
Only Dakini, the embodied instinct hidden in our physicality, can initiate the Hero’s Journey and introduce you to the dynamic primal space, free from the dualistic extremes. She is your Beatrice when going through hell. She is your protector, your guide, the light in the darkness, the subtle pulse of dark luminescence leading the way in the Unknown: the guardian of the unconditioned state.
As you transmute the animal human nature and drop the fetter of reactivity you move in the world by the means of skillful divine action, allowing the naturally manifesting wisdom to spontaneously dictate the speech and bodily functions.
This is a deep journey, and there are many skillful modalities emerging within the field of western somatic-based therapy that are of great assistance in this type of deep inner work. When they fuse with the wisdom of Emptiness, that is when magic happens.