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Nonsensical!  Nonreferential!  Marvelous! A Ridiculous Pointing


I've been feeling into this for awhile

So here it is

That is the thing with meaning

In these nondual circles

It is not exactly true that there is no meaning

That is a bit of a misunderstanding, in my opinion

This insight is quite adept at the first stages of the Path

When we are to realize I Am, to recognize rigpa clarity, our Original Face, and dissolve all identity into it

It helps to dissociate from the mind-created meaning in order to recognize pure awareness, pure being, pure presence

Which indeed has no conceptual meaning

But later on, at the deeper stages of realization

This conclusion can become an obstacle, an attachment to non-conceptual position

That prevents us from tasting the luminous nature of thought, as a point of contact

From tapping into the non-conceptual nature of concept, as pure uninhibited energy


My invitation is to ponder the following

There is no fixed meaning

The Pattern is dynamic and in constant flux, a shapeshifting glorious cosmic Roar

There is no actual meaning

As everything is Mind, Self, transparent colorful spontaneity, pure projection, pure illumination, Buddha Mind, Maya, there are many names for it

There is no independent meaning

As every thread of creation is seamlessly interconnected with the totality of Light, timelessly co-arising and ecstatically coordinating, in flawless simultaneity

There is no individual meaning

As every particular contains the entire universe

As nothing exists on its own

As this ceases to be, everything ceases to be

As this appears, everything appears

Perfection, perfection, perfection

It is true that this dragon-koan does not mean anything, in the way the human mind understands meaning

Its elucidation is its otherworldly beauty, earthly harmony, raw scintillating order

Its silly absurdity and crazy wild impossibility

Its breathtaking mind-blowing mystery

This reality is overflowing Grace

That is the only thing that is ever happening, non happening

Undeniably, viscerally, beyond comprehension

Beyond good and bad, right and wrong

Beyond existence and non-existence


I would almost say

The Pattern is Perfect Meaning

Perfect Open Gesture

Perfect as this Reality is Barren of hidden significance

A Ridiculous Pointing Finger

Wildly in your face

Note that it does not point to itself

Pointless!  Nonreferential!  Marvelous!

Just This and nothing else

Nothing is what is seems to be

Everything is exactly the way it seems to be

To realize Truth is the first sentence here

To go beyond Truth and Untruth is the second

That is what I call magic

Usually when we consider something being significant, meaningful

That is because we consider the meaning refers to something

Such as self, other, inherent existence, etc

A concept refers to something non-conceptual in the direct experience

A symbol --- a multidimensional fluid concept --- refers to something non-conceptual in the direct experience; something universal

But the Great Seal:

Mindless!  Nonreferential!  Marvelous!

Just This and nothing else

In here, the direct experience has no opposite

It is so freakin direct that Sheer Stupid Directness is all that remains

In all its compelling untamed potentiality and inexhaustible capability

Does that make sense?

The illusion of meaning is the assumption of actual existence

The illusion of meaninglessness is the dualistic division to conceptual / non-conceptual, real / unreal, continuity / discontinuity

The Great Illusion is beyond both

We could also call her: the Great Actuality

Nonsensical!  Nonreferential!  Marvelous!

Just This and nothing else


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